66 research outputs found

    QDEE: Question Difficulty and Expertise Estimation in Community Question Answering Sites

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    In this paper, we present a framework for Question Difficulty and Expertise Estimation (QDEE) in Community Question Answering sites (CQAs) such as Yahoo! Answers and Stack Overflow, which tackles a fundamental challenge in crowdsourcing: how to appropriately route and assign questions to users with the suitable expertise. This problem domain has been the subject of much research and includes both language-agnostic as well as language conscious solutions. We bring to bear a key language-agnostic insight: that users gain expertise and therefore tend to ask as well as answer more difficult questions over time. We use this insight within the popular competition (directed) graph model to estimate question difficulty and user expertise by identifying key hierarchical structure within said model. An important and novel contribution here is the application of "social agony" to this problem domain. Difficulty levels of newly posted questions (the cold-start problem) are estimated by using our QDEE framework and additional textual features. We also propose a model to route newly posted questions to appropriate users based on the difficulty level of the question and the expertise of the user. Extensive experiments on real world CQAs such as Yahoo! Answers and Stack Overflow data demonstrate the improved efficacy of our approach over contemporary state-of-the-art models. The QDEE framework also allows us to characterize user expertise in novel ways by identifying interesting patterns and roles played by different users in such CQAs.Comment: Accepted in the Proceedings of the 12th International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM 2018). June 2018. Stanford, CA, US

    Semi-supervised Embedding in Attributed Networks with Outliers

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    In this paper, we propose a novel framework, called Semi-supervised Embedding in Attributed Networks with Outliers (SEANO), to learn a low-dimensional vector representation that systematically captures the topological proximity, attribute affinity and label similarity of vertices in a partially labeled attributed network (PLAN). Our method is designed to work in both transductive and inductive settings while explicitly alleviating noise effects from outliers. Experimental results on various datasets drawn from the web, text and image domains demonstrate the advantages of SEANO over state-of-the-art methods in semi-supervised classification under transductive as well as inductive settings. We also show that a subset of parameters in SEANO is interpretable as outlier score and can significantly outperform baseline methods when applied for detecting network outliers. Finally, we present the use of SEANO in a challenging real-world setting -- flood mapping of satellite images and show that it is able to outperform modern remote sensing algorithms for this task.Comment: in Proceedings of SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (SDM'18

    Symmetrization for Embedding Directed Graphs

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    Recently, one has seen a surge of interest in developing such methods including ones for learning such representations for (undirected) graphs (while preserving important properties). However, most of the work to date on embedding graphs has targeted undirected networks and very little has focused on the thorny issue of embedding directed networks. In this paper, we instead propose to solve the directed graph embedding problem via a two-stage approach: in the first stage, the graph is symmetrized in one of several possible ways, and in the second stage, the so-obtained symmetrized graph is embedded using any state-of-the-art (undirected) graph embedding algorithm. Note that it is not the objective of this paper to propose a new (undirected) graph embedding algorithm or discuss the strengths and weaknesses of existing ones; all we are saying is that whichever be the suitable graph embedding algorithm, it will fit in the above proposed symmetrization framework.Comment: has been accepted to The Thirty-Third AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2019) Student Abstract and Poster Progra

    Connected Autonomous Vehicle Motion Planning with Video Predictions from Smart, Self-Supervised Infrastructure

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    Connected autonomous vehicles (CAVs) promise to enhance safety, efficiency, and sustainability in urban transportation. However, this is contingent upon a CAV correctly predicting the motion of surrounding agents and planning its own motion safely. Doing so is challenging in complex urban environments due to frequent occlusions and interactions among many agents. One solution is to leverage smart infrastructure to augment a CAV's situational awareness; the present work leverages a recently proposed "Self-Supervised Traffic Advisor" (SSTA) framework of smart sensors that teach themselves to generate and broadcast useful video predictions of road users. In this work, SSTA predictions are modified to predict future occupancy instead of raw video, which reduces the data footprint of broadcast predictions. The resulting predictions are used within a planning framework, demonstrating that this design can effectively aid CAV motion planning. A variety of numerical experiments study the key factors that make SSTA outputs useful for practical CAV planning in crowded urban environments.Comment: 2023 IEEE 26th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC

    Self-Supervised Traffic Advisors: Distributed, Multi-view Traffic Prediction for Smart Cities

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    Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CAVs) are becoming more widely deployed, but it is unclear how to best deploy smart infrastructure to maximize their capabilities. One key challenge is to ensure CAVs can reliably perceive other agents, especially occluded ones. A further challenge is the desire for smart infrastructure to be autonomous and readily scalable to wide-area deployments, similar to modern traffic lights. The present work proposes the Self-Supervised Traffic Advisor (SSTA), an infrastructure edge device concept that leverages self-supervised video prediction in concert with a communication and co-training framework to enable autonomously predicting traffic throughout a smart city. An SSTA is a statically-mounted camera that overlooks an intersection or area of complex traffic flow that predicts traffic flow as future video frames and learns to communicate with neighboring SSTAs to enable predicting traffic before it appears in the Field of View (FOV). The proposed framework aims at three goals: (1) inter-device communication to enable high-quality predictions, (2) scalability to an arbitrary number of devices, and (3) lifelong online learning to ensure adaptability to changing circumstances. Finally, an SSTA can broadcast its future predicted video frames directly as information for CAVs to run their own post-processing for the purpose of control.Comment: 2022 IEEE 25th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC
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